I think my programming skills have improved throughout the semester because I understand the different parts that go into a website and know where each part goes in order to make the website work. Although I am still not good, I think my troubleshooting skills have gotten better, and I understand the possible reason why my code could not be working. I also think I have gotten better at using the different resources I have to find different ways to get code to work as well as different ways to do code. I think I have gotten better, but I still have a long way to go. Assignment 1 was a challenge, but I appreciate Sal and Vy helping us during class, even making office hours for us to come in and ask questions. It is a shame that Sal had suffered so much and left early, but he still helped me over the discord.
I need to work on exploring the different ways there are to do things because everything can be done multiple ways. Another thing I need to do is practice and work on understanding the code. I have general ideas of what each thing does, but understanding how each line of code works and how to connect the different parts of the code is an important thing. I must also talk to other students, professors, and professionals to see what their experiences are and what paths I can take and things I can do to help improve my skills. Another thing I need to do is know when to ask for help because I always ask too early or too late, which is bad.
I have learned a lot from the wods and can do the general idea, but I have not practiced each wod enough to be able to do it well without the screencast. I think after a few most WODS or practice assignments doing the same thing, I would have a better understanding and be able to do the WOD assignment myself without the videos. I do appreciate all the videos Sal has put out and all the help you have given.
The labs have been helpful, and I am able to complete them, but I wouldn’t say with confidence. I have been able to learn from them and see how they all connect with each other, but I am also able to see how they all work together to make a complete website. I see how everything we learned this semester is coming together in the assignments, but there are some parts that I have forgotten and need refreshers for.
I have suffered a lot, but I have learned a lot from doing assignment 1. I like seeing the end product and watching my products display. My ID didn’t work for the longest time, but our Savior was able to help get my code to work. I really appreciate all the videos Sal puts out because they help us understand the assignments, and I think I will be able to do assignment 2.
I think the class is pretty well done. I enjoy the way Sal formatted his class. I think helping each student understand each part would be so good, but we don’t have the time for that, and Sal and Vy don’t have the brain power to help us all understand everything. I think their brains would turn into mush.
I think what helped me the most were the screencasts and the help from classmates. The screencasts were really helpful because we were able to rewatch them as many times as we wanted and we could speed it up or slow it down depending on what we wanted. My classmates were really helpful and willing to explain the topics if they had a good understanding of them.